About us

This website is operated by volunteers of Dharmakaya Organization which is a non-profit organization registered in the U.S. The net revenue will be invested in the use of promoting dharma activities as to benefiting all sentient beings.

Original intention

Death is an inevitable part of life, it is same to everyone regardless richness or poverty. We feel helpless when we lose of love ones, we need help from others. With this reason, we set up MyPureLands hoping to render prompt and timely assistance without time and place concerns. Our assistance not merely helping the deceased one but also enable us to comfort the emotion of the living family and address their doubt as to set in right understanding and positive attitude to move on their journey.


Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche is one of the superior master in Vajrayana Buddhism. He is also one of the reputable lineague holder of Kagyu School.

Rinpoche has received variety of Dharma teachings, in which, Trungram tradition is a unique practice of Kagyu School that valued the importance of the strict standard retreat training, meditation and it’s application.

Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche is not only a Trungram lineage holder but also reincarnated lama、scholar、teacher and meditation master, he's also an emanation of great yogi, Milarepa. He is also the first incarnate lama to receive the Ph. D. in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from Harvard University in 2004. Now, he's staying in the U.S. for the most of the time and working on scientific research with several universities.

Rinpoche was born to a Sherpa family of Nepal, and is recognized as the Fourth Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche. Rinpoche began traditional monastic education at age four. In addition, he received teachings from the heads and teachers of Tibetan Buddhism's major lineages. Rinpoche earned an Achary's Degress (Master’s Degree) from the Nalanda Institute of the Sampurnan and Sanskrit University in Varanasi, India, where he majored in Buddhist, ethics and the philosophies of the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana schools of TibetanBuddhism. As a Sanskrit-Tibetan scholar, Rinpoche represents a remarkable and direct channel with the original Buddha-Dharma teachings. Furthermore, with the seven-year-language training from Harvard University, Rinpoche knows how to deliver the ancient wisdom of dharma to the modern society with easy acceptable methods.

Rinpoche is not only the head of the Trungram lineage, its monasteries, meditation centers, schools, dharma centers and groups around the world. He also founded Dharmakaya as a NGO and built the Dharmakaya Center for Wellbeing in upstate New York to promote and preserve the precious Dharma teachings, and promise not only us but also the future generations will be benefited from this ancient wisdom.


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